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Showing posts from April, 2009

The Problem With Christians

T he problem with "Christians" is that well . . . they are so fallible.  I am a Christian, and like every other "Christian", I am fallible.   As a former student of Latin, perhaps "fallible" is not the best choice of words since it stems from the Latin "fallere" to deceive . . .  On second thought maybe 'fallible' is the right choice after all: "We are never deceived; we deceive ourselves." ~ Goethe You see, I accept the fact that, although I am a believer, a follower, a disciple, an officer of the Church, I sometimes fall short of the expectations of others and it's likely that the first response from others is: "And she calls herself a Christian! " Quite frankly, I often fall short of my expectations for myself.  I am certain that I also fall short of God's expectations, which I suppose makes me most thankful that I believe in the New Testament and that a certain carpenter was God with skin on.  I don't ...