The problem with "Christians" is that well . . . they are so fallible.
I am a Christian, and like every other "Christian", I am fallible.
Perhaps I had a wicked childhood
Perhaps I had a miserable youth
But somewhere in my wicked miserable past
I must have had a moment of truth
For here You are
Standing there
Loving me
Whether or not You should
So somewhere in my youth
Or childhood
I must have done something good
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
As a former student of Latin, perhaps "fallible" is not the best choice of words since it stems from the Latin "fallere" to deceive . . .
On second thought maybe 'fallible' is the right choice after all:
You see, I accept the fact that, although I am a believer, a follower, a disciple, an officer of the Church, I sometimes fall short of the expectations of others and it's likely that the first response from others is: "And she calls herself a Christian!"
Quite frankly, I often fall short of my expectations for myself. I am certain that I also fall short of God's expectations, which I suppose makes me most thankful that I believe in the New Testament and that a certain carpenter was God with skin on. I don't have to be perfect because the carpenter has allowed me to share His umbrella and I am covered and protected, for which I am most thankful and most grateful.
Of all the Hymns, of all the modern songs of worship . . . perhaps one of the best songs that sums it all up was not written to be a song of praise or worship. You might recognize the lyrics from one of my favorite movies:
Perhaps I had a miserable youth
But somewhere in my wicked miserable past
I must have had a moment of truth
For here You are
Standing there
Loving me
Whether or not You should
So somewhere in my youth
Or childhood
I must have done something good
Nothing comes from nothing
Nothing ever could
So somewhere in my youth or childhood
I must have done something good.
The good thing in my youth was to admit that I needed a poor carpenter more than He needed me.
So while we Christians are fallible, most of us are trying to walk through life hearing the sound of a carpenter's leather sandals walking beside us. And occasionally there is a dance step or two. So don't hold it against us when we mis-step. Some of us have two left feet and dancing the best that we can.
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