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God is in the Details

I often hear people saying that worshiping nature is a form of idolatry.  Well, I have got to admit to you that I can't stop gazing up at stars at night.  I make it a point to look up to the heavens just to see the magnificence of it all.  There is something about the infinity of that inky-blue blackness and those millions of stars that remind me that it is not all about me while reaffirming the greatness of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  That's my God, too!

Right now I am perched up in the hill country of Texas.  There is a magnificent lake the size of an ocean below me, and already, as the sun falls off the horizon behind the hills to my right I can see twinkling lights appearing one by one on the distant horizon around the lake. 

The wind has picked up just enough, reminding me of the breath of God.  These gorgeous trees called Texas Willows and something else similar with these lovely pink blossoms are just waving about in the breeze.  Below me there is red feather grass with the most unbelievable coloring that I have ever seen.  Nearby a waterfall is breaking the silence, but it's all good.

So as I sit here, perched high up in the west Texas hills, I see God in all of this beauty.  Talk about majesty!  I'm really glad that He came and sat here awhile with me this evening.  What a gift.

This isn't idolatry.  This is simply someone appreciating the magnificence of creation.  Call it idolatry if you must, but while each of us is important to God, we need to remember that in the scheme of things . . . not one of us is greater than the other. He sees all the same.  He gave all of us this to enjoy.  Let's tread lightly on our earth, and on the hearts and lives of others.


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